Desain Metode Inside Out, Outside In: The BattleShip - Bagian 3

Metode Inside Out merupakan metode perancangan arsitektur yang menerapkan konsep ruang dalam dengan memasukkan suasana ruang luar. Pada lantai 4, sebuah ruang dikomposisikan oleh empat bangun yang disusun secara memanjang dan melintang, kemudian terdapat bukaan yang lebar pada sisi depan dan bukaan kecil disampingnya. Pada ruang tengahnya terdapat bukaan yang mengelilinginyadimana didalam bukaan tersebut ditanami oleh vegetasi seperti rumput dan pohon kecil.

Pada lantai 2 terdapat 3 buah bangun yang disusun berdampingan sehingga menghasilkan 1 buah ruang, bedanya dengan lantai ruang lantai 1 adalah bukaannya hanya mengarah pada 1 arah.

  • JUDUL DESAIN:  The BattleShip
  • MATA KULIAH: Metode Perancangan Arsitektur 2
  • TAHUN: 2018

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admin: Muhammad Yusuf Tahmidillah

11 komentar:

  1. My old office building is designed this way and I like that the view provides a relaxing break from stressful office work.

  2. This design concept is very new to me. I love it when the house is balanced to give way for the outdoor ambiance incorporated in creating the house design.

  3. It's a fun setting. Reminds me of being young.

  4. I love the feel of this design. It's a great vibe and flow.

  5. This is a cool design. I am learning a little about architecture by reading your posts.

  6. This is a beautiful design! You are very talented.

  7. This looks interesting. I am curious to learn more.

  8. This post is very helpful especially for those who are building their new house. You can visualize the space and how you will use it.

  9. modern, welcoming and lovely. Thanks a lot for showing this design, it's beautiful. - Knycx Journeying

  10. Nnnniiiccceeeeee...I really like what I am seeing here, Yusuf! And it's my first time hearing of the Inside Out method!

  11. THis is very interesting! Thanks for sharing!


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